Moldflow 24 " Flow Simulation results in 24 hours or less"
Imtech's unique "Moldflow 24" service is aimed at helping our customers determine the answers to basic questions in 24 hours or less.

Confirm Gate Position, Fill pattern, Cavity Fill Pressure and Clamp Force.
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You have a new product and with your own experience you know a full Moldflow study is not required but you just want piece of mind that your going in the right direction. Consider our Moldflow 24 service.
Send us a CAD model and your nominated gate position together with details of the material and we will run a Moldflow Mpi study to your specification. In 24 hours you will receive a simple Power Point report showing the fill pattern
(animated), fill pressure, clamp force and suggested process parameters.
"Moldflow 24" is not a in depth study but it will provide you with important information quickly and enable you to proceed with confidence.

Moldflow 24 results include:
- PPT Report.
- Animated Fill Pattern.
- Cavity Fill Pressure.
- Estimated Clamp Force.
- Process Parameters.
- Points of concern.
You supply:
- Clean STEP or IGES file.
- Single part per file. - no assemblies.
- No radii smaller than 0.5 mm.
- No text, symbols or logo's.
- Your nominated Gate location
- Detail of the material grade.
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