Moldflow, Injection Molding Consultants & Engineers
imtech design Moldflow Consulting Services operates the full suite of Moldflow CAE programs to identify injection molding defects and remedies advice using Moldflow simulation on the smallest medical device to the largest car instrument panel quickly and efficiently. Our consulting service provides you
with practical solutions to complex injection molding problems. We also offer a 24 hour service that provides you with important molding information quickly so you can proceed with confidence. We offer services for the medical industry, automotive, telecommunications, and more. See Why choose us?
Our specialty is Moldflow simulation of the plastic injection molding process with the sole aim of identifying potential problems or areas where material or cycle time savings can be made in order to help our customers turn more plastic into profit.
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We recently deveoloped a free problem solving and materials seach program, i-Moulder runs on apple iPhone and iPod Touch and now on Android smart phones.

How will a MoldFlow Simulation benefit me?
Efficient Process Conditions
Optimum Cooling for Cycle Time Savings.
Optimum Gate Position for Minimum Machine Size
Position Weld Line Where You Want Them.
Runner Balancing for Minimum Scrap.
Eliminate Gas Traps, Sink Marks & Burning
Minimize Clamp Force Requirements
Control Fibre Orientation
Even Part Shrinkage
Gas Injection Simulation
Reduced Warpage at Fast Cycles
3D Moldflow Filling Animation

Why? : Reduce development time, Save money
and make Your Life Easier.
What do you want to achieve? Contact Us Now

Complex Problems Solved using Moldflow CAE Simulation
The plastics injection molding process is integral to many of today’s mainstream
manufacturing processes. Industries such as telecommunications, consumer
electronics, medical devices, computers and automotive all have large, constantly
increasing demands for injection molded plastic parts. There are thousands of different
grades of commercial of plastics materials with widely varying processing
characteristics and complex part and mold designs are constantly pushing the limits
of the process. Click for video.

The production of injection molded parts is a complex process where, without the
right combination of material, part and mold design and processing parameters, a
multitude of manufacturing defects can occur, thus incurring high costs.
Plastic Flow Simulation. (moldflow) Computer aided
engineering (CAE) tools are used to simulate the manufacture of plastic parts and the
results help our engineers correct defects on the final design, before mould tool manufacture is completed. |
The above factors bring a level of complexity to injection molding that makes it
necessary to use Moldflow CAE tools to predict and solve potential problems before they
occur. Additionally, the cost of tooling for injection molds can be very high and
subsequent rework increases these already high costs. All these factors combine
to make injection molding an ideal application for CAE simulation using Moldflow. Imtech Design
has been providing answers to complex moulding problems using Moldflow software
for 21 years and able to supply quick practical solutions to keep your plans
on track and within budget.

Efficient Cooling Reduces Manufacturing Costs.
Applying Moldflow Mpi software to cost reduction is our most sought after area of expertise. Wall thickness optimization and efficient mold cooling can reduce cycle times by as much as 20 percent. The payback is normally very quick and is multiplied many times over during the life of the product. Production rates are up, energy costs and machine times are significantly reduced. View our mold cooling page for more information.
Click for Cooling Optimization. .

Going green increases your profits.

imtech design has the experience and depth of knowledge of the Moldflow system to competently help our customers turn more plastic into profit.

The Injection Molding Process:

The injection molding
process itself is a complex mix of time, temperature and pressure variables with a
multitude of manufacturing defects that can occur without the right combination of
processing parameters and design components.
Because of these complexities, today’s plastic part and injection
mold designers are under tremendous pressure. Project timelines are being
compressed; scaling to high-volume production at times occurs literally overnight;
there is a push to ever thinner-walled molding; mold design, mold making and
manufacturing often occur across fragmented geographic locations.
Moldflow Plastic Adviser, Plastics Insight, Moldflow Mpi, Mold flow communicator
and Mold Adviser are Mould flow software products for simulating the injection
molding of plastic materials. Imtech use CAD Connectivity Tools to link structural
CAD - CAE to MPI, MPA and MPX Community projects in the plastics and tool making industry. "Moldflow" is a registered trademark Moldflow Corporation & Moldflow Europe ltd.
Imtech Design are Moldflow Gold Certified Plastic Flow Simulation Consultants and Engineers and have offices in UK, USA and Australia. Contact Us Now
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